Dear Mr Meyers.


This refreshed my teacher's heart, refocused my efforts and reminded me that previous to the pandemic I was getting 'it' done right all along and can do it again.

This article renewed a determination in my spirit to set an expectation for myself that ensures a classroom where my scholars return to flourishing while they embrace and enjoy their math journey just like all my previous classes had.

You have helped me clear away the remaining fog left from the days of pandemic teaching.

I've read a lot books, blogs, and articles this summer, some fairly great ones, trying to find the clear mental perspective I needed, and you have provided it!

Your three infinite resources article is exactly the fresh air I needed to lift my 34 year old teacher wings and prepare my mental focus to rise to whatever challenges lay before me in the coming school year.

My sincerest "Thank you!" for this article, the plethora of resources you provide to teachers all year long, and fir having a heart after teachers' needs.

I am most grateful,

Michelle Channon

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Michelle - you've got this! 💪

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